Sharda Corporation
Apr 15, 2020

Sharda University’s Alumnus and Student Contribution in the Fight against COVID-19

Sharda University’s Alumnus and Student Contribution in the Fight against COVID-19

In the times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a big responsibility of every human being to cooperate with the government. Apart from maintaining the lockdown restrictions, some dedicated people have made significant contributions during the time of this crisis. Student contribution and the contribution of the alumnus of Sharda University need special mention in this regard. Under the supervision of their Head of the Department, a student of Sharda University, named Nishant Sharma, 2nd-year student of Computer Science, has succeeded in preparing a robot. The speciality of this remote-controlled, battery-operated robot is that it is capable of lifting weight up to 10 kg. There is a pre-installed sanitizer jet within it. The robot will automatically apply sanitizer on the hands of anyone who brings their hands close to it. No manual labour is required to perform the action.

The robot can also give medicines or other kinds of stuff as per requirement. This creation is the output of a full one year’s labour. Certain modifications have been made after the Corona outbreak. Under current circumstances, this robot can be used in any isolation ward in any hospital. The spreading of the virus can be restricted with the use of such robotic devices since all humans are prone to the danger of getting infected. The movement of this walking device can be controlled with remote control by maintaining a safe distance.

The society will thankfully remember the contribution of this young and bright student of Sharda University, Knowledge Park. This device can also sanitize the entire wards of the hospitals without jeopardizing the health of the nursing and the medical staff. Another former student of the university, named Diwakar Vaish, has set the sail in this period of need. Prof. Diwakar Vaish is an esteemed alumnus of Sharda University and is the co-founder of AgVa Healthcare. The professor, along with his team, is fighting day and night to produce a huge number of ventilator machines in the next 30 days. In a country like India, where the approximate population is of around 133 crores, if the pandemic hits hard, we may suffer heavily with the current infrastructure. There is a gross shortage of such upscale medical facilities that are required to combat the current pandemic.

robot fir medical professionals to fight coronavirus
To create a balance between the supply and the potential demand, Prof. Diwakar has undertaken such a huge project along with his team members. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a worldwide surge in demand for ventilator machines. To cope up with such growing demand, his company is working 24 hours each day maintaining a production unit of 10,000 per month. Amidst such a situation, there have been huge disruptions in the supply chains, and Vaish’s company has succeeded in streamlining all their processes tactfully. The notable feature about the machines produced here is that they are cost-effective and specifically designed for COVID-19 patients. These ventilators are open source, cheap and easy to produce. Such innovative leadership can save thousands of lives amidst such a worldwide pandemic situation. Such effortless initiative and selfless service for the society will always be remembered. We need more people like these individuals to step forward and innovate to make our lives easier in such trying times.

Such a viral outbreak on a global scale was totally unprecedented and inevitable at the same time. COVID-19 has the capacity to change the human way of life worldwide. It’s time for us to reconsider what we easily took for granted. The Corona crisis has the resilience to test the capacity of the healthcare systems across the globe. The countries with the strongest of infrastructure have failed miserably in the hands of this virus. This is mainly because of the stealthy nature of this virus. It spreads and keeps spreading from one host to another much before the apparent symptoms become obvious. Therefore, the contributions that have been made by these people amidst such a global haywire situation are extremely important and noteworthy beyond doubt.

Sharda Corporation